Visuomotor Rotation Task
Motor learning and motor control is a broad subfield of neuroscience that has generated many different tasks and studies. One of the most famous is the visuomotor rotation (VMR) task. The VMR task is a motor adaptation task where the subject is asked to reach from a start target to an end target. On a number of trials, the cursor representing the subject's arm is rotated to be shifted from where the subject's arm actually is. This causes the subject to adjust their movement to be shifted relative to the straight path. After the rotation effect is removed, there is a "washout" period in which the subject's arm is shifted relative to the straight-line path between the two targets.
Move the cursor (yellow dot), to the the starting position (gray circle). When the cursor turns blue, move it to the target (green circle). Unlike some of the other tasks, a sufficient number of trials is required to see the effect of the visuomotor rotation. Thus, there will be 200 trials total.